Synchronic distribution of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum and yessotoxins in a high stratified fjord system: Tidal or light modulation?

Synchronic distribution of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum and yessotoxins in a high stratified fjord system: Tidal or light modulation? Autores COPAS Coastal: Iván Pérez-Santos Autores: Patricio A. Díaz, Gonzalo Álvarez, Camila Schwerter, Ángela M. Baldrich, Iván Pérez-Santos, Manuel Díaz, Michael Araya, María Gabriela Nieves, Sergio A. Rosales,Guido Mancilla-Gutiérrez, Carla Arratia, Rosa I. Figueroa Año: 2024 […]
Small and patchy is enough: An example about how toxic HAB events can spread through low resting cyst loads

Small and patchy is enough: An example about how toxic HAB events can spread through low resting cyst loads Autores COPAS Coastal: Iván Pérez-Santos Autores: Camilo Rodríguez-Villegas, Rosa I. Figueroa, Ángela M. Baldrich, Iván Pérez-Santos, Manuel Díaz, Stephen J. Tomasetti, Miriam Seguel, Gonzalo Álvarez, Pablo Salgado, Patricio A. Díaz Año: 2023 Línea de investigación: L1. […]
From lipophilic to hydrophilic toxin producers: Phytoplankton succession driven by an atmospheric river in western Patagonia

From lipophilic to hydrophilic toxin producers: Phytoplankton succession driven by an atmospheric river in western Patagonia Autores COPAS Coastal: Iván Pérez-Santos Bernd Krock Autores: Patricio A Díaz, Gonzalo Álvarez, Rosa I Figueroa, René Garreaud, Iván Pérez-Santos, Camila Schwerter, Manuel Díaz, Loreto López, Marco Pinto-Torres, Bernd Krock Año: 2023 Línea de investigación: L1. Oceanic and atmospheric […]