Physical and anthropogenic drivers shaping the spatial distribution of microplastics in the marine sediments of Chilean fjords

Resumen: Several studies have focused on the presence and distribution of microplastics within the water column of coastal waters, but the dynamics of these particles in sediments have received little attention. Here we examine the concentrations and characteristics of microplastics in sediment samples collected from 35 stations within the Inner Sea of Chiloé, Chilean Patagonia. Current velocity, grain size, intensity of salmon farming activities, and human population density were all evaluated as factors potentially explaining concentrations and distribution of microplastic particles within these sediments. Microplastics were detected in all samples, with the highest abundance represented by fibers (88%), fragments (10%) and films (2%). Across the sampled sites, microplastic concentrations averaged 72.2 ± 32.4 (SD) items per kg dw (dry weight) sediment, with the principal polymers identified as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), acrylic, polypropylene (PP) and polyurethane (PUR). Approximately 40% of the variability in distribution and abundance of microplastics was explained by current velocity combined with proximity and intensity of local salmon production activities.


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