High rate of ship strike to large whales off Chile: Historical data and proposed actions to reduce risk Ver publicación»
The risk of high-biomass HABs: Triggers and dynamics of a non-toxic bloom of Prorocentrum micans in Chilean Patagonia Ver publicación»
Ecological role of marine mammals in the Magellan Strait: Insights from trophic modeling Ver publicación»
Spatio-temporal variability of remote sensing reflectance from MODIS imagery for water quality assessment: A case study of Northern Patagonia, Chile Ver publicación»
New northernmost distribution records of the Eastern South Pacific southern right whale (Eubalaena australis), including the first cases from Ecuador and northern Peru Ver publicación»
Recent progress in atmospheric modeling over the Andes – part II: projected changes and modeling challenges Ver publicación»
Recent progress in atmospheric modeling over the Andes – part I: review of atmospheric processes Ver publicación»
Orbital timescale CaCO3 burial and dissolution changes off the Chilean margin in the subantarctic Pacific over the past 140 kyr Ver publicación»