Field observations of the wake from a full-scale tidal turbine array



  • Field measurements of the wake from an operational commercial scale floating tidal turbine array.

  • The wake is confined to the upper water column during both ebb and flood tides.

  • Wake velocity deficit recovers faster during flood tide than during ebb tide.

  • Wake recovery occurs beyond 20 effective diameters downstream of the turbines.
  • Wake elevated turbulence intensities recover quickly for both ebb and flood tides.

  • Wake turbulent energy loss is small compared to energy extracted for electricity production by the turbines.


Wake measurements are critical for quantifying the hydrodynamic effects of tidal energy extraction and for designing arrays of tidal turbines. In this investigation field measurements from the wake of PLAT-I, a commercial-scale floating array of four tidal turbines, are presented. Instrumented surface-following drifters are used to measure velocity and turbulence in the wake of PLAT-I while deployed in Grand Passage, an energetic tidal channel in the Bay of Fundy, NS, Canada. Field measurements were obtained when the turbines where fully operational under optimal conditions during spring tides. The collected data are used to construct tridimensional maps of acoustic backscatter, mean velocity, vertical velocity variance and turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate downstream of the platform at different stages of the tide. The operational turbine array wake was captured for ebb and flood tides. For both ebb and flood, reduced velocities are observed in the upper water column at the depths spanned by the turbine rotors. Vertical profiles of velocity mix quickly during flood tide but velocities remain slower than the undisturbed flow outside of the wake up to 20 effective diameters downstream of the platform. In contrast, during ebb, the velocity deficit persists farther downstream, and the reduced velocity increases slightly. Elevated turbulence levels peak at 2 effective diameters downstream of the turbines and recover to undisturbed flow levels at approximately 10 effective diameters downstream of the platform for both ebb and flood tides. Total energy dissipated through turbulence within the wake is estimated to be less than 10% of the energy extracted for electricity production.

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