The Plankton Manifesto - A call for Plankton-Based Solutions to address The Triple Planetary Crisis (biodiversity, climate & pollution)


Despite their immense importance, plankton are under threat and remain poorly understood. The Plankton Manifesto calls for immediate global recognition and action to protect these vital organisms. It advocates for the adoption of «Plankton-Based Solutions» to benefit humanity and the environment, leveraging advances in DNA sequencing, bioinformatics, satellite monitoring, AI-assisted image analysis, and other cutting-edge technologies to enhance our understanding and stewardship of plankton.

The Plankton Manifesto is a result of a collaborative effort, led by the United Nations Global Compact, that involved 30 international experts from leading institutions and industries worldwide. It will seek endorsements at key global environmental conferences, including COP29 on Climate, COP16 on Biodiversity, and the United Nations Ocean Conference in Nice, France, in June 2025.

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