Observing change in pelagic animals as sampling methods shift: the case of Antarctic krill Ver publicación»
Biogeochemistry of greenhouse gases in coastal upwelling systems: Processes and sensitivity to global change Ver publicación»
Neural network approach for detecting spatial changes in catch probability of Engraulis ringens during El Niño-Southern Oscillation events in northern Chile Ver publicación»
Environmental DNA reveals temporal variation in mesophotic reefs of the Humboldt upwelling ecosystems of central Chile: Toward a baseline for biodiversity monitoring of unexplored marine habitats Ver publicación»
Microbial community and network responses across strong environmental gradients: How do they compare with macroorganisms? Ver publicación»
Design and functional characterization of Salmo salar TLR5 agonist peptides derived from high mobility group B1 acidic tail Ver publicación»
Understanding the oceanographic dynamics of the Isla Chañaral baleen whale feeding ground, (Humboldt Archipelago, Northern Chile) to extend habitat protection Ver publicación»
Emergent Spatial Patterns Can Indicate Upcoming Regime Shifts in a Realistic Model of Coral Community Ver publicación»